The RobotParameters step receives position data from the robot controller. This data can be used by the project, for instance in other steps, in variables, or as part of the operator view. The data that the RobotParameters step has at any one moment is the data sent along with the last position request from the robot controller.
The following provides a basic methodology for using the RobotParameters step:
Specify the robot controller from which to receive data using the Robot text box. In the case of a project with multiple robot controllers, the step will only acknowledge robot position data from the specified robot controller.
If necessary, ensure that the robot controller you specified is configured correctly using the Configure Robots button next to the Robot text box. This button will open the Platform Configuration dialog on the Robots screen, which allows you to set information such as the IP address of the robot controller and the type of robot controller you are using.
Program your robot controller to send position data to Matrox Design Assistant. For the API necessary to program the robot controller to communicate with Matrox Design Assistant, see Matrox Robot-side Communication API, found on your computer at Program Files\Matrox Imaging\MIL\Config\Robots.
Use the position data from the robot controller with the parameters of the RobotParameters step. For example, the value of the "X" and "Roll" positions of the robot can be accessed using RobotParameters.Parameters("X").Value and RobotParameters.Parameters("Roll").Value, respectively.