Windows 98/Windows Me Display Driver
File Name: Release Date: Powerdesk version: Size:
w9x_682.exe Feb. 27, 2002
6.82.016 6.5 MB
Notes and known issues:
- Driver release supports Millennium G550, Millennium G450, Marvel G450 eTV, Millennium G400, Matrox G200 MMS, Millennium G200, Mystique G200 and MGA G200.
- Includes several general bug fixes. (Please read release notes).
- Please uninstall your current drivers using Microsoft Add/Remove Programs before installing the new drivers. If your Matrox drivers do not appear in Add/Remove Programs, please use our uninstaller utility.
To download this driver, please read and agree to the following notice.


Specific Notice For Drivers/Software Available On This Website (Pour lire la version en français cliquez ici)

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All files with the "EXE" extension are SELF-EXTRACTING files and do not require PKUNZIP or any other unzip utility. You may download and execute these files from a directory of your choice.