DeleteRecipe step

The DeleteRecipe step deletes the specified recipe. You can identify the recipe to delete by its name or ID. The DeleteRecipe step is able to delete recipes from your development computer if executed at design-time, and from your runtime platform if executed at runtime.

The DeleteRecipe step is typically used to delete recipes at runtime from the operator view. To set this up, you must add the DeleteRecipe step to a subflowchart and then link the operator view to one of the following inputs:

  • The Recipe Name input: Sets the name of the recipe to load.

  • The Recipe ID input: Sets the ID of the recipe to load.

For more information, see the Setting up an operator view to manage recipes section earlier in this chapter.

Deleted recipes cannot be recovered. In addition, Matrox Design Assistant will not allow users to delete the only recipe in a project.

At design-time, you can also delete recipes using the Recipes pane.